When you’re ready, let an instructor or assistant know. Together you will go through the following check off steps:

  1. Start a new command prompt, and from that command prompt start Python 3. Then quit Python 3.
  2. Create a new Python file (with a .py extension). In that file, type the following and save the file. From a command prompt, navigate to this file and execute that Python script.

print("Hello world!")

  1. Open your text editor and press Tab. Use the left arrow key to go back in that line and show that your text editor is using spaces to indent, not tabs.
  2. Test the Wordplay and ColorWall installations.
    • Navigate to the Wordplay directory. Run the words1.py script from your computer’s terminal. You should see a list of words that have two consecutive letter u’s.
    • Navigate to the Colorwall directory. Run the run.py script from your computer’s terminal. You should see a grid with color animations that lasts about a minute.
  3. Show the instructor a practice exercise that seemed particularly challenging and how you worked it out.